Monday, June 27, 2011

Trioviz allows 3D images on 2D TVs, and more!

I’m not certain how much 3D is really going to change television as we know it, but if you have a 2D television, and you want to play 2D video games, then I have some good news.
TriOviz has some interesting technology called TriOviz for Games SDK (Software Development Kit) which “leverages existing three dimensional graphics information in games to greatly enhance the depth-of-field, geometry volume and position, and the rendering of characters within a scene”.
I got a chance to try out for myself, and played the Captain America: The First Avenger in the process. As you can see, the INFOCOLOR 3D Eyewear glasses are in slightly different colors than traditional red and blue. If used with the SDK software, TriOviz SDK allows the gamer to play 3D games with glasses on a 2D television.

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