Friday, August 12, 2011

The Zike, world’s first hybrid scooter

If you are too old for a trike, and love to ride a bike, maybe you would like a Zike. I realize that intro sounds like something Dr. Seuss would write, but the Zike is a real product, and is the world’s first hybrid scooter.
I suppose by “hybrid scooter”, the company means it is the first product to successfully combine a scooter, bicycle, and stair-stepper together. Inventor Nathan Scolari was “compelled to combat the childhood obesity epidemic in the United States”, and this is what he researched and created.
       Zike will introduce four models to the marketplace. The Hotshot is an entry level model for children ages 5-8. The Flyby is the next step up for children ages 8-12, and it has two chains for faster speeds and increased agility. The Slingshot is for children 10 and older, and it has the speed of a BMX bike. The Saber (pictured) is a 7-speed scooter for anyone aged 12 and up. 

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